
The ship drifts between backyards, orchards, and the back porch of a small farmhouse. Then, the ship breaks through the last lock and goes into Lake Erie. Erie has a reputation for treacherous flash storms. The shallowest of the lakes, it can be pale as glass, and as smooth. Then a few hours later it can be insensately churning under a fugitive sky. Its shores are low-lying, its beaches are narrow, but it is succulently pastoral. After a day's sailing, the ship passes the Detroit lighthouse at dusk. Detroit lies beside us now, an immense suffusion of light, sound of machine and people.
船只在‘后院’,‘果园’以及‘农舍的后门廊’中穿梭,接着,船只通过最后的一道船闸,然后驶入伊利湖。 伊利湖以其突如其来的闪电式风暴而闻名。它是五湖中最浅的湖,有时平静如镜。但短短几个小时后,会在阴晴不定的天空下狂暴地翻滚。湖岸很低,也很窄,但是却有着无限的田园风光。   经过一天的航行,轮船在暮色中经过了底特律灯塔。底特律近在咫尺,灯火通明,机器轰鸣,人声鼎沸。