



The Sun Also Rises

attract traction This tire is so worn that it has no traction left. You'd better have it replaced. tractor The tractor can pull a lot of different machines to work the fields. contract Metal contracts when cooled. detract The figure skater's stumble did not detract from the artistry of her performance. detractor Detractors of the candidate claim that he is involved in an extramarital affair. distraction I can't study at home because there are too many distractions. extract The passage is extracted from Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises. intractable The economy is bogged down by too many intractable problems. protracted Protracted civil wars devastated the small country. retract Failing to produce any evidence, the candidate retracted his accusation that the incumbent had taken bribes. subtract Scientists say that at five months, infants can already add and subtract.
This tire is so worn that it has no traction left. You’d better have it replaced. 这个轮胎磨损太严重,已经毫无牵引力,最好换掉。 The tractor can pull a lot of different machines to work the fields. 拖拉机能拖拽各种不同的机器在田里工作。 Metal contracts when cooled. 金属冷却时会收缩。 The figure skater’s stumble did not detract from the artistry of her performance. 这名花式溜冰选手摔了一跤,但无损与她演出的艺术性。 Detractors of the candidate claim that he is involved in an extramarital affair. 攻讦这位候选人的人指称他涉入婚外情。 I can’t study at home because there are too many distractions. 我在家读不下书,因为有太多令人分心的事物。 The passage is extracted from Hemmingway’s The Sun Also Rises. 这段文字节选自海明威的《太阳照常升起》。 The economy is bogged down by too many intractable problems. 经济被太多棘手的问题拖累。 Protracted civil wars devastated the small country. 漫长的内战使这个小国遭到大规模破坏。 Failing to produce any evidence, the candidate retracted his accusation that the incumbent had taken bribes. 这位候选人拿不出证据,只好收回他对现任官员受贿的指控。 Scientists say that at five months, infants can already add and subtract. 科学家说五个月大的婴儿已经会加减。