

Gulf War

Hua Ting-kuo

Rachel Carson’s The Silent Spring

Louis XVI

suicide ecocide The Gulf War of 1991 left hundreds of oil wells burning, resulting in the most serious ecocide in the Middle East. fratricide The Civil War was a form of fratricide, with Americans killing Americans. genocide The term genocide refers to the systematic extermination of an entire race. homicide The police still cannot decide whether the death was the result of suicide or homicide. matricide Hua Ting-kuo was convicted of matricide and executed. patricide The psychopath committed patricide and didn't feel any remorse. pesticide Rachel Carson's The Silent Spring describes the catastrophic consequences of pesticide abuse. regicide French mobs committed regicide when they put Louis XVI to the guillotine in 1793.
The Gulf War of 1991 left hundreds of oil wells burning, resulting in the most serious ecocide in the Middle East. 1991年海湾战争后有几百座油田大火不熄,造成中东史上最严重的生态浩劫。 The Civil War was a form of fratricide, with Americans killing Americans. 南北战争是手足相残,美国人自相残杀。 The term genocide refers to the systematic extermination of an entire race. “种族灭绝”指的是全面消灭一个种族。 The police still cannot decide whether the death was the result of suicide or homicide. 警方仍无法判定死因是自杀还是凶杀。 Hua Ting-kuo was convicted of matricide and executed. 华定国以弑母罪判刑确定,而且交付死刑了。 The psychopath committed patricide and didn’t feel any remorse. 这名精神病人弑父,而且毫无悔意。 Rachel Carson’s The Silent Spring describes the catastrophic consequences of pesticide abuse. 瑞秋•卡森的《死寂之春》描述滥用杀虫剂酿成的灾难。 French mobs committed regicide when they put Louis XVI to the guillotine in 1793. 法国暴民1793年将路易十六送上断头台,这是弑君的行为。