
Niagara Falls has become a tired old tourist sight. But if you look it over in an airplane, it becomes something completely new. You realize that it is not tired; only our way of looking at it is tired. Most visitors go as close to the falls as possible, and watch the waters thundering down. It is fascinating, in a stupefying way. You stand there, hypnotized by the sheer force, the untiring action that goes on and on. But afterward you have a feeling. "So what, really? The water comes to the cliff and, naturally, it falls down." But at altitude you see it all at once. You see Lake Ontario on one side and Lake Erie on the other, and linking them the 34-mile Niagara River.
尼亚加拉大瀑布已成为了老掉牙的旅游景点。但是,如果你从飞机上鸟瞰的话,它就完全换了副模样。你会意识到,老掉牙的并不是尼亚加拉,而是我们观赏它的方法。 大部分游客总是尽可能靠近瀑布,看着水流轰鸣而下。这让人神魂颠倒,呆若木鸡。游客站在那里,被奔腾不息的激流及其强大的力量所折服。但此后你会有这样的感觉"那又怎么样?水流到了悬崖边,当然要往下淌落了。" 但在高空你会马上看个一清二楚。你看到瀑布的一边是安大略湖,另一边是伊利湖,把这两个源连接起来的是34英里长的尼亚加拉河。