61. "Say 'hello' to my little friend!",
"Scarface," 1983.

62. "What a dump,"
"Beyond the Forest," 1949.

63. "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?",
"The Graduate," 1967.

64. "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!",
"Dr. Strangelove," 1964.

65. "Elementary, my dear Watson,"
"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes," 1929.

66. "Get your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape,"
"Planet of the Apes," 1968.

67. "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine,"
"Casablanca," 1942.

68. "Here's Johnny!",
"The Shining," 1980.

69. "They're here!",
"Poltergeist," 1982.

70. "Is it safe?",
"Marathon Man," 1976.


71. "Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothin' yet!",
"The Jazz Singer," 1927.

72. "No wire hangers, ever!",
"Mommie Dearest," 1981.

73. "Mother of mercy, is this the end of Rico?",
"Little Caesar," 1930.

74. "Forget it, Jake, it's Chinatown,"
"Chinatown," 1974.

75. "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers,"
"A Streetcar Named Desire," 1951.

76. "Hasta la vista, baby,"
"Terminator 2: Judgment Day," 1991.

77. "Soylent Green is people!",
"Soylent Green," 1973.

78. "Open the pod bay doors, HAL,"
"2001: A Space Odyssey," 1968.

79. Striker: "Surely you can't be serious." Rumack: "I am serious ... and don't call me Shirley,"
"Airplane!", 1980.

80. "Yo, Adrian!",
"Rocky," 1976.
