
本期学习的字源:duc, duct=lead领导


Mono Lake

Los Angeles

Sir Francis Bacon

ductile Copper, a highly ductile metal, can easily be made into wires. abduct The rebels abducted several U.N. workers at gunpoint, planning to use them as pawns in negotiations. aqueduct An aqueduct leads from Mono Lake to Los Angeles, supplying drinking water for the metropolis. conductor Copper is an efficient conductor of electricity. deductible Housing mortgages are tax-deductible. induction Sir Francis Bacon's scientific methods – induction and deduction – laid the foundation for modern science. seduction That movie is a romance of love, seduction and loss. viaduct A viaduct spans the valley, connecting the two tunnels. conduit The Silk Road was a conduit for the flow of merchandise between East and West.
Copper, a highly ductile metal, can easily be made into wires. 铜是很有延展性的金属,很容易做成电线。 The rebels abducted several U.N. workers at gunpoint, planning to use them as pawns in negotiations. 叛军用抢挟持了若干联合国人员,打算拿他们做谈判筹码。 An aqueduct leads from Mono Lake to Los Angeles, supplying drinking water for the metropolis. 莫诺湖有条导水管通往洛杉矶,为这大都会供应饮水。 Copper is an efficient conductor of electricity. 铜是电的良性导体。 Housing mortgages are tax-deductible. 房屋贷款可以抵税。 Sir Francis Bacon’s scientific methods – induction and deduction – laid the foundation for modern science. 培根的科学方法——归纳与演绎——为现代科学奠定基础。 That movie is a romance of love, seduction and loss. 那部电影是文艺片,主题是爱、诱惑与失落。 A viaduct spans the valley, connecting the two tunnels. 一条栈道横跨山谷,连接两座隧道。 The Silk Road was a conduit for the flow of merchandise between East and West. 丝绸之路曾是东西方物流的渠道。