
本期学习的字源:gram, graph=write书写



demographic The demographic trend in Taiwan is one toward more senior citizens and fewer children. epigraph Wait here while I get a closer look at the epigraph on that statue. geography History and geography are two basic courses all high school students must take. monograph The professor had a monograph on gene splicing published in Nature. oceanography Oceanography is just like geography, except that it deals with the oceans. paragraph When a new idea is introduced, you should start a new paragraph. phonograph Edison's phonograph is the distant ancestor of today's CD player. pictograph Written Chinese is not an alphabetical language. It is composed largely of pictographs. polygraph The defendant claims that he is willing to take a polygraph test to prove his innocence.
The demographic trend in Taiwan is one toward more senior citizens and fewer children. 台湾的人口趋势是老人渐多,小孩渐少。 Wait here while I get a closer look at the epigraph on that statue. 在这里等一下,我去仔细看看这座雕像上的碑文。 History and geography are two basic courses all high school students must take. 历史和地理是高中生必修的两门基础课程。 The professor had a monograph on gene splicing published in Nature. 这位教授在《自然》期刊上发表了一篇基因移植的专文。 Oceanography is just like geography, except that it deals with the oceans. 海洋学就和地理学一样,只不过研究的是海洋。 When a new idea is introduced, you should start a new paragraph. 提到新想法时,就该另起新段落。 Edison’s phonograph is the distant ancestor of today’s CD player. 爱迪生的留声机是今日CD机的老祖宗。 Written Chinese is not an alphabetical language. It is composed largely of pictographs. 中文字不是拼音文字,而是以象形文字为主。 The defendant claims that he is willing to take a polygraph test to prove his innocence. 被告表示愿意接受测谎以证明自己的清白。