沪江名师Echo:{Echo私塾}Episode7 - 绿山墙的安妮
时间:3月12日(星期三) 17:00 - 18:00


Love English!Love IELTS! Love Literature! Love Plants!Love Painting!我就是博爱的Echo老师,当然最爱的还是可爱的同学们!






1.To Escape
Sometimes, life can get too real way too fast and we need a break from reality for a while to take our mind off the difficulty at hand,

2.To be Inspired
Perhaps in some way characters remind us of the people that we ourselves wish we could be, or remind us of someone we loved who was once very good.

3.To Live Their Life
It's the magic of cinema that transports into Megan Follows' shoes as we watch Anne of Green Gables, and as she grows into a distinguished young woman.

4.To Motivate Us
Anne's dream to be a prolific writer and Felicity's aspiration to become a doctor would have seem quite far-fetched at the time.
As they say, dreams are like stars... you may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

The memories of these times are invaluable and priceless to everyone. I am sure you all have stories similar to these, which make watching these productions so valuable.

6.To Explore the Plot
Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert are unmarried siblings who live on their ancestral farm, Green Gables, in the quiet town of Avonlea in Prince Edward Island, Canada.
Matthew, who is terrified of women, arrives at the train station and finds a girl orphan instead of a boy; the orphanage sent the eleven-year-old Anne Shirley by mistake.
Anne is a talkative and happy girl despite living an impoverished life as an orphan.
Anne never had real friends before living at Green Gables, so she was forced to invent imaginary playmates.
At school, Anne feuds with a handsome, smart boy named Gilbert Blythe.
As Anne grows up, she loses some of her childish flare for the melodramatic and romantic, and turns her spirited attentions to academics.
Thrilled by her future prospects, Anne goes home to Green Gables.

-to read the following character analysis
-to submit your character analysis after my blog
-to preview the book "Secret Garden".
-Character Analysis
Anne Shirley
Marilla Cuthbert
Matthew Cuthbert



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【Echo私塾】阅读?悦读!Episode 2 - 悦读莎士比亚>>

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