Is there any stale bread you're throwing out? And some salt. Why? Well, I thought I'd make a last hot poultice or Diamond. It'll give him a better night. You big softie. What'll Mr Lynch say? Well, he doesn't mind. He says I've got the touch. He thinks I should pack this in and be a groom. Why don't you? My mum. She was so excited when I came here. They're proud of me, and I'd hate to spoil that. Do you miss them? I never had that in my childhood. Someone you could always trust. I trust them, they trust me. There are no lies in our house. Thanks, that's enough.
还有要扔掉的陈面包吗?再来点盐。 干什么? 我想给美钻热敷一下让它今晚好过点。 你真是软心肠,林奇先生会说你吗? 他不会在意的 他说我照顾马很在行 说我该辞了男仆一职改当马夫去。 你为什么没去呢? 因为我妈妈,我来这里干活把她乐坏了。 家人都很骄傲,我不想让他们失望。 你想家吗? 我小时候就无亲无故。 没有能一直信任的人。 我们彼此相信,从没谎言。 谢谢够了。