right? So, uh, where's your shop? Well, right now, we're just working out of our apartment. - So no shop. - Oh, that's sweet. - Cute. - Yeah, good luck, God bless. Can you say jealous? All right, let's start simple with a pretty little icing flower. Everybody pick up your piping bags, and with a straight-edge tip-- But you guys can use your gay-edge tip. All right, everybody watch Stephanie. You're gonna take the nail head and you're gonna make a little "U" so that you get little petals. And we'll do this five times. And then, you have a pretty little five-petal flower. - Simple. - So cute. How fun! No, no. You gotta start by making a "U". I did. That's a "U". Serena, is that a "U"? Not a "U". Fine, I'll start over. That was a "U". And what, just because I don't have a quote-unquote shop I don't know a "U"? What's with the attitude? All right, let's leave. Next time the gays giggle, we'll just slide out. No, we're here to learn. That looks good. I suck. I'm starting over. Max, why'd you do that? It was good. Not good enough. You two not done yet? You have to master the little flower, or when we move on to roses you'll be screwed. - Right, cuz? - Oh, totally screwed. Screwed and not in the good way.
有道理呀 对吧 你们的店开在哪里呢 目前只是在自己公寓里做 -所以还没店面 -也不错嘛 -还行嘛 -是呀 祝你们好运 上帝佑佑 是嫉妒还是咋地 好吧 咱们先从简单的糖霜裱花开始 大家拿起挤花袋 所以"弯"代表同性恋 有"直"边锥形尖头那个 stright一字多义 有"直"和"异性恋"的意思 你们用"弯"边锥形尖头也行 好了 大家注意看斯蒂芬妮 你们得用尖头 做一个小小的"U"出来 这样花瓣就做出来了 如此重复五次 就能做出一朵五瓣的花了 -多简单 -多有爱 真好玩 不 不 你得先从"U"做起 我做了 这是一个"U" 赛琳娜 这是"U"吗 不是 好吧 我重做一个 那就是"U" 就因为我没有一家正儿八经的店面 我就不知道"U"长什么样吗 她们这是什么态度呀 好吧 那我们走吧 等那群基佬再娘笑 我们立刻脚底抹油 不行 我们是来学习的 做得挺不错啊 烂死了 我要重做 麦克斯 你干嘛啊 真的不错呀 不够好 你们俩做完没有 你们必须先练熟做小花 不然之后教做玫瑰时 你们就死定了 -对吧 表姐 -当然是死定了 而且还会死得惨兮兮呢