

snoopy sticker

最后一句I think she's crushing on you.没有截完整 就不要听写了



Six weeks? I'll miss qualifiers. The most important part of healing, Alice, ask any professional athlete, is gonna be patience. I hate patience. Can't you just shoot me up with something? Absolutely not. Have a snoopy sticker instead. I keep them for difficult patients. Your boyfriend is hilarious. He's also our team doctor, and you should listen to him. And, he's hot. I've seen better. And I'll be getting a second opinion.
密码:talk 要休息六周?我会错过资格赛的。 现在可是恢复的关键期,Alice,不信你问问其他专业运动员,你要有耐心。 我讨厌忍耐。你不能给我注射点麻醉剂或者什么吗? 绝对不行。用史努比贴纸代替吧,我把它留给难缠的病人。 你的男朋友太搞笑了。 他同时还是我们的队医。所以,你应该照他说的做。何况,他还这么性感。 比他性感的多了。当然我还要去听听别人的意见。