


last-minute drop-ins





Okay, I'm gonna need some more bread for the stuffing. Whee! Mike! Mike! Mike! Do you want to wait in the car? Do you want to wait in the car? Because that I will put you in the car. Sorry. Okay, now for the turkey. Let's see, there's, uh, six of us, and some magazine says you should buy half a pound of turkey per person. Really?That's only three pounds of bird. You might as well just yank a pigeon out of a car grill. You know what, let's get the 20-pounder. Better safe than sorry. We are not gonna eat that much turkey. You sure? What if there's some, you know, last-minute drop-ins? Like who? Well, anybody, really. I mean, Carl might drop by, and he might bring his grandma. And who knows, Samuel might pop over to say hi and introduce us to his five Senegalese roommates.
密码:akira 恩,我要买点面包做馅料。 嗖! Mike! Mike! Mike! 你是不是想在车里等着?你是不是想在车里等着?因为再这样我就把你丢进车里。 对不起。 好吧,现在来选火鸡,让我看看,我们有六个人,杂志上说,每人半磅火鸡。 真的么?那只有三磅啊!你也可以随便从烤架上弄只鸽子。我们还是买只20磅的吧。你也知道多了总比不够的强吧。 你确定?如果有人最后加入怎么办? 谁啊? 任何人都有可能。我是指,Carl可能会来,带上他的奶奶。天晓得Samuel会不会过来向我们介绍一下他的五位赛内加尔室友。