




Hi. Uh, my friend here was taking down our Christmas lights, and, and she fell off the balcony and may have broken her foot or, or ankle, or something. My god. You still have your Christmas lights up? Fill this out and bring back to me. Okay, oh, alright. Name, address... Are you currently on any medication? No, oh, wait. Yes, Blistex. No, in case of emergency call? You. Really? Yeah. Oh, that is so sweet. Oh, gosh, love you. Insurance? Oh, yeah, check it. Definitely, I want some of that.
密码:lol 你好,我朋友去圣诞灯时,从阳台跌落,她的脚或者脚踝或其他地方可能受伤了。 我的天啊,你们的圣诞灯还挂着?资料填好后拿给我。 好的。哦,姓名,地址……你现在使用药物治疗吗? 没有,哦,等等。有,Blistex润唇膏。 可那填了没有。你的紧急联系电话是什么? 写你。 真的么? 是的。 你真好。天啊,我爱你。有保险吗? 哦有,勾上它。我确实需要一些保险!