


Some sort of green fluid coming out her nose. It could be mucus, but we don't know. It's just a cold. Yes, she'd be a new patient. I don't know, hold on a second. What type insurance do we have? No, we don't have that, no. Yes, hello? We don't have insurance. So is that, is that gonna be a problem? Hello? Hello?
密码:doctor 从她的鼻子里流出一些不明绿色液体,可能是鼻涕,但是我们也不确定。 只是感冒而已。 是的,这是她第一次看病。 我不清楚,请稍等。 我们家有哪种类型的医疗保险? 不,咱们家没有医保。 是,喂?我们家没有医保。这有什么问题么? 喂?喂?