


R: Somehow this girl and that gang connect. My best guess, whoever she's sleeping with is high up in SP-9. Bet her boyfriend knows where they're keeping Sam.

F: And while I'm checking into the girl, what'll you be doing?

R: ______1______ The longest it's ever taken me to break someone is 16 hours. You don't look like you're going to set a record. Want to talk? You must like it in there.

--: Caught a fresh one?

C: My guy in a suit led me to another case. Nanny from the Bronx murdered on her lunch break.

--: Shooter dug the slugs out, huh?

C: Just the one, and I'm not so sure that was the shooter.

--: It's my ex.

Tracking down the rest of them.
那就重点查她。这女的跟那帮派千丝万缕,我敢打赌,睡她的男人肯定是SP9里的高层。我赌她男朋友知道萨姆被关在哪。 对了我去查那女的,那你去干什么? 追查余下的那帮人。我有史以来撬开人嘴巴的记录是16小时,你看起来不像有要我打破纪录的样子。想说话了吗?你肯定喜欢窝在里面。 新案子? 我那穿西装的伙计帮我找到了另一个案子。布朗克斯的一位保姆午餐休息时被杀了。 枪手挖走了弹头? 只有这枚。而且我不确定那是枪手所为。 是我前妻。