
Thomas Edison




Thomas Edison was one of that rare breed. Had the great inventor stored his money, he would have died a wealthy man. His first successful invention netted him $40,000,a huge sum in 1869. During his lifetime, he patented 1093 inventions, yet he departed the world penniless. Years later, his son Charles recalled his father's approach to money: “He considered it a raw material, like metal, to be used rather than amassed, and so he kept plowing his funds back into new objects. Several times he was all but bankrupt. But he refused to let dollar signs govern his actions."
托马斯.爱迪生就是这种稀缺的人。如果这位大发明家把它的钱积蓄起来,去世的时候肯定是个富翁。他的 第一项成功发明使他赚到了四万美元,这在1869年是一笔巨款。他一生中,获得了1093项发明专利,然而,在他离开这个世界的时候却身无分文。 10多年以后,他的儿子查尔斯回忆起自己的父亲对钱的态度时说:“他把钱堪称是原材料,就像金属一样是给人用的,而不是给人囤积的,因此他一直把自己的基金重新投资到新的项目中去。有好几次他几近破产,但他决不让钱主宰他的行动。“