
John Wesley



Leo Tolstoy




John Wesley was the same. The founder of Methodism had the highest earned income in 18th century England, but he gave it all away. His philosophy about money was simple: “Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can." Root of Evil? Money may not be the root of all evil, but if it keeps us up at night, it has become way too important in our lives. That was the lesson of Leo Tolstoy's tale “Elias", which told of a rich farm couple who lost all their money and were forced to take jobs as servants. A guest one day asked the wife if she was miserable being poor, especially in light of the great wealth she had once enjoyed. The woman's answer - that she was happier than ever before - surprised the visitor.
约翰.卫斯理也一样。这位卫理公会的创始人在18世纪的英国收入最高,但他把自己的收入都给了别人。他的金钱哲学很简单:“尽量挣,尽量省,尽量给。“ 钱是万恶之源吗? 钱也许并不是万恶之源,但如果它使我们夜不能寐,那他在我们生活中就过于重要了。 这也是列夫托尔斯泰在他创作的《伊莱亚斯》故事中所告诫的。故事讲述了一对经营农场富有的夫妇,他们失去了所有的钱,不得不去当佣人。 一天有位客人问这位妻子,她是不是应为贫穷而痛苦,尤其是考虑到她曾拥有巨大的财富。夫人的回答是她比以前更幸福,这使客人很吃惊。