


Edwin James

39 cents

She often used Edwin as an example of how far an ambitious man could get without much talent. "Edwin James was no smarter than anybody else, though a little faster as a typist, and look where he is today," my mother said, and said, and said again. Her early identification of my own gift for words gave her purpose and from then on, her whole life started to revolve around helping me to develop my talents. Though very poor, she signed us up for a set of books for intermediate and advanced readers. One book arrived by mail each month for just 39 cents. What I read with joy, though, were newspapers. I lapped up every word about monstrous crimes, awful accidents and terrible acts committed against people in faraway wars and the refugees who had to escape from their home countries.
她常用埃德温的例子来告诉我一个有雄心的人能走多远,即使他没什么天赋。 “埃德温•詹姆士虽然打字速度比较快,但他并不比其他人聪明,你看,他现在多么功成名就,”我母亲总是一遍又一遍地说。 她早就认定我有文字天赋,从那时起,她就有了目标,她的整个生命便开始围绕着帮助我开发天赋而运转。虽然很穷,她还是为我们订了一套适合中高级水平读者阅读的读物。每个月都会有一本书邮寄过来,价值39美分。 然而,我感兴趣的却是报纸。我贪婪地汲取每一条消息:骇人听闻的罪行、可怕的事故、在遥远地区发生的战争对人们犯下的令人发指的罪行,以及不得不背井离乡的难民的消息。