


"Get yourself up and make something of yourself, buddy!" Though she has passed away, my mother's words are as clear in my head today as when I was a boy. She may have had my interests at heart, but from my standpoint at the time, her less than tender approach to parenting was the equivalent of bamboo torture treatment. "Chris!" I utter, "I have made something of myself. I am entitled to sleep late." "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a quitter." Her voice in my head is more powerful than my will to refuse, so I pull myself from bed. My father died after five years of marriage. My mother didn't have any money after he died. She had three babies to care for and lots of bills to pay.
“孩子,起来,做个有出息的人!”虽然母亲已经过世,但她的话依然清晰地在我脑海中回响,就如我在孩提时代听到的一样。 她心里也许是为我好,但那时依我看来,她那毫不温柔的为母之道就如同用竹条鞭笞一般严厉。 “天哪!”我叫道:“我已经是个有出息的人了。我有权晚点起床了。” “要是有什么我不能忍受的东西,那就是逃兵。”她的声音在我脑海中回响,让我无法拒绝,于是我从床上爬了起来。 我的父亲在婚后5年就过世了。他死后,我母亲没有钱。她要抚养三个孩子,还有一身的债务。