



主持: mangiferin

If I become overconfident I will recall my failures. If I overindulge I will think of past hungers. If I feel complacency I will remember my competition. If I enjoy moments of greatness I will remember moments of shame. If I feel all-powerful I will try to stop the wind. If I attain great wealth I will remember one unfed mouth. If I become overly proud I will remember a moment of weakness. If I feel my skill is unmatched I will look at the stars.
自高自大时,我要追寻失败的记忆。 纵情得意时,我要记得挨饿的日子。 洋洋得意时,我要想想竞争的对手。 沾沾自喜时,不要忘了那忍辱的时刻。 自以为是时,看看自己能否让步驻步。 腰缠万贯时,想想那些食不果腹的人。 骄傲自满时,要想到自己怯懦的时候。 不可一世时,让我抬头,仰望群星。