People in all countries enjoy gifts. Sometimes the meanings are different in different cultures.






Mr. Mertz  



Argentina This is interesting. Did you know that in Argentina you should never give clothing unless you know the person really well? Don't give clothing? Why not? Clothing, even things like ties are too personal. Only good friends give them. Huh? I never thought of the tie as being personal just uncomfortable. What should you bring? I don't know. Maybe something for the house. Switzerland We're meeting Mr. Mertz and his wife for dinner. Maybe I should bring flowers or something. Yeah, I'll pick up some red roses. You don't want to bring roses. In Switzerland, they could be a symbol of love and romance. Oh, I didn't know that. I think candy or chocolate might be better.
阿根廷 真有趣。你以前知道吗?在阿根廷,除非你和某人关系特别好,不然你就不能送他衣服之类的东西。 不能送衣服?为什么? 像衣服啊,甚至是领带这些都太私人了。只有要好的朋友之间才送这个。 啊?我从来没想过领带是不是很私人,只是觉得送这种会有点不舒服。你打算带什么东西过去呢? 我也不知道。可能送点家里用的东西吧。 瑞士 我们就要和默兹夫妇一起吃饭了。我是不是该带束花什么的。对了,送束红玫瑰吧。 红玫瑰可不行。在瑞士,红玫瑰是爱情和浪漫的代表。 呃,我以前从来不知道。 我觉得糖果或者是巧克力更好。