


They are sometimes pushed into their habit by their work beliefs, by workaholic role models, and by a work system that automatically sanctions workaholism. Despite lip service to the contrary "a balanced employee is a productive employee", most employers want loyal employees who work longer hours, rewarding them with higher pay and better benefits. In many companies, workers unwilling to burn the midnight oil are at risk. Certainly, they hazard their jobs by working normal hours. Americans tend to become trapped in a working and spending consumption mode driven by merchants, which leads them to rack up their expectations. According to some psychology counselors, workaholism can be both good and bad for us.
他们有时是被自己的工作信念、工作狂的行为模范以及一种自动认可工作狂的工作方式所逼而养成了这种习惯的。大多数雇主尽管口头上说得很漂亮(“生活作息保持平衡的雇员是效率高的雇员”),可他们需要的是忠心耿耿的、愿意加班的雇员,并用高薪和更多的福利来奖励他们。在许多公司里,不愿意开夜车的职工处境岌岌可危。他们只在正常时间内工作就肯定是在拿自己的饭碗冒险。美国人往往会陷入一种由商人们所推动的工作然后花钱消费的模式之中,这种模式引诱他们抬高自己的期望值。 根据某些心理顾问的观点,迷恋工作对我们来说既是好事,又是坏事。