<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分,不用带数字序号>

C:      1     You know, I just saw him last week. If I wanted to get into this, I would've.
H: Hey.      2     
C: Hannah, it's not like the possibility never crossed my mind. Okay, and if it is true, it's even more reason for me not to meet him.
H: Why?
C: Maybe I'm not ready, okay?      3     Maybe you should stop poking around in areas in my life where you weren't invited!
H: Okay, I didn't invite you to go hunting down "A" behind my back.
C: Hannah, I did that out of love and concern for you.
H:      4     Look, he just wants to talk to you. Okay, even as your uncle, you should give him a chance. It's just a cup of coffee, you can throw it on him if you want.
C: You know what, you go, okay? He had a lot of days where he could have made this choice, and he didn't.      5     And that's where I am. I'm grown up, and I'm on my own. So I'm saying, "no".
H: Well, he's really looking forward to this, so guess I'll just be there without you.
C: Great. Let me know how it works out.
A: What's he so angry about?
H: His father.
I never asked you for your help. You didn't even question it until I brought it up. Maybe I'm not in the place where you want me to be. And that's why I'm doing this. Instead, he let me grow up on my own.