A new report on the world's six billionth inhabitant






The earth's population has doubled since 1960 and with more than a billion young people just entering their productive years. The population growth has plenty of momentum. But birth control programs are beginning to have an impact. Demographers predict that by the middle of the new century the global count will level off at something under ten billion. The UN population agency has presented today's achievement as a success for humanity, pointing out that people are living longer and healthier lives than any generation in history.
现在地球上的人口是1960年的两倍,而且超过10亿人口进入了生育年龄,人口增长势头迅猛。不过鉴于控制人口增长计划将开始发挥作用,人口统计学家预测到下世纪中期,全球人口数量将稳定在100亿以下。联合国人口署指出,今天的成就是人类的一大进步,人类将比历史上任何一个时代都更加健康长寿。 (翻译:melodyhan 能力有限,仅供参考。)