

          Mona Lisa


Attendance at the Metropolitan had reached an all-time high during the month the Mona Lisa was shown there. What is to be gained from visiting museums? Museum exhibits can teach us about the world in which we live — the materials it is made of, the trees and plants that cover it, and the animals that have lived on it since its beginning. We can learn about the activities of man — his history and development and his accomplishments in arts and crafts. Most people see a great work of art for the first time in a museum. We can see wonderful examples of what man has been able to create out of clay, stone, metal, and wood or with a paintbrush and paints. We cannot all be explorers or collectors in other lands. But in a museum we can see for ourselves the objects that have been gathered from every part of the world.
蒙娜丽莎展出的那个月,大都会艺术博物馆的访问量达到了了历史最高。 那游览博物馆有哪些好处呢?博物馆展品会告诉我们生活的世界是怎样的——它是由什么材料构成的。树木和植物覆盖着它,自存在伊始,动物就居住在此。我们也可以了解人类活动——它的历史和发展以及在手工艺品上取得成就。大部分人都是在博物馆第一次见到伟大的艺术品。我们可以看到很多令人惊奇的艺术品,人们用粘土,石头,金属,木材,画笔和颜料创造了这些珍品。在其他领域,我们不可能成为探险家或者收藏家。但是在博物馆我们可以亲眼看到来自世界各地的艺术品。 (翻译:有梦小溪, 水平有限,仅供参考)