Hints: innocent --



We all have secrets. When we're little, they start off innocent -- a hiding place, a stash of candy, a hush-hush crush. But as we get older, our secrets get bigger and better. My dad thought I was headed to an internship at a windowless Manhattan law firm. If only he knew.
我们每个人都有秘密 当年少时 它们都很无伤大雅 一个藏身之处 被藏起的糖果 收好被打坏的物品 但是我们长大之后 秘密变得更大更重要 我爸以为我在曼哈顿的一家没有窗户的律师事务所工作 如果他要是知道就好了。 By: 灌心饼干