剧情:max的lover强尼却坐在了caroline的区域里 为什么呢 请看下集~~




Hey, Johnny.

Max has the tables against the wall.

Oh, we're good in your section.

Caroline, I want you to meet my buddy Carlos.

What's happenin'?


Well, 1 ________________________.

What's happenin'? Come on, dude.

You have a literature degree from NYU.

I didn't mean to say that, but when I get nervous,

my Rico Suave comes out.

It won't happen again.

And here's two menus.

What's happenin'?

Dude, I'm nervous.

Hey, guys, I'm in that section over there.

Oh, we're good in Caroline's area.

Well, if you like hot coffee in your pants area,


Actually, I like that.

Coming right at you.

Johnny's in your section. 

Yeah, why?


He's your friends or...crush or whatever he is.

Shh! He's not a crush. He's a...

I don't know what he is, but whatever he is,

he's in your section.

※文章如有错误请多多见谅 并且欢迎在讨论区指出(* ̄︶ ̄)y

I'm working the counter you're in the right place He comes in here every night to see you
你好呀 强尼 麦克斯负责的桌子在墙那边 我们在你这区呆着就好 卡洛琳 这是我的朋友卡洛斯 有啥子新鲜事嘛 你好 我负责的区在柜台那 有啥子新鲜事 你不是吧 你可是纽约大学的文学院毕业的 这话下意识就说出来了 每次我一紧张 说话就自动变得流里流气 下次绝不再犯 给你们两张菜单 有啥子新鲜事嘛 兄弟 我真的很紧张 伙计们 我的区在那边呢 我们在卡洛琳这区呆着就行 你要是喜欢裤裆这区被撒热咖啡 坐这里就对了 老实说 我喜欢 马上为您送来 强尼在你那区坐着呢 是啊 为什么呀 他每晚来这儿明明就是为了见你 他是你的朋友 或是情迷对象什么的 闭嘴 他才不让我情迷意乱呢 他只是... 我不知道他算什么 现在重点是 他去坐了你那区