剧情:caroline的牙齿保持器坏了大惊小怪  max根本不屑~



1 ____________________?

My teeth don't know where to go.

Well, maybe they should just backpack for a couple of years,so they figure it out.

Listen, perfect teeth,


The technical term for this is "advanced bruxism."

And the 3___________________  ."

Yesterday you freaked out 'cause we were out of toilet paper.

Just hold it till you get to work like everybody else.

Now, maybe I sing while others wait.

Uh-oh. We got real problems now.

I choose Susan Boyle popular song

from all clips on Internet.

It's called I Dream--

Keep dreaming.

What am I gonna do without my bite guard this is a nightmare for me technical term for you is overly dramatic
牙齿保持器没了 我还怎么活啊 我的牙会到处乱跑的 就让它们去旅行个几年 找到人生方向 就不会乱跑了 听好了 美牙妹 这是我人生中的恶梦 用专业术语来说就是"中重度磨牙症" 专业术语来说 你有"过度小题大做症" 昨天家里没厕纸你就哭天喊地 憋到上班的时候再上就好啦 大家都这样 趁大家在等餐 我来献唱一曲吧 完蛋 这才是真正的麻烦 我从苏珊大妈的网络剪辑中 选出了一首她的成名曲 名叫《我曾有梦》 做你的白日梦吧