筒子们~~本次听力要写标题+全文听写哦!  本文将附上译文希望能帮助大家理解。 加油吧!!


The troubles for some people to be more productive

The reason: lacking of ___(填空不填)to start with


标题的书写规范:题目的每个单词都需要首字母大写(包括连字符后面的词),但冠词、并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for),介词和不定式的to除外。题目后不加句号,但如果是疑问句要加问号。

e.g.  What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today?

Self-discipline: the Foundation of Productive Living Good afternoon, today's lecture is about self-discipline which serves as the foundation of productive living. Yet many who read books and blogs on this topic for the purpose of getting things done say they have trouble implementing these tools and becoming more productive. Don't worry. No system for keeping your email under control will help you on its own. No tips for budgeting will ever help you on their own. The main problem for those who struggle with pure productivity is not being able to understand and learn systems, but a lack of self-discipline to begin with. What's self-discipline? It is often described as a muscle, something that becomes stronger the more you work with it. In essence, having self-discipline from a productivity point of view is having the ability and motivation to just do it.
自律:有效生活的基础 下午好,今天的演讲是关于自律。自律是有效生活的基础。尽管有许多人为了把事情做好,专看这方面的书籍和博客,然而他们却说很难将那些应用于生活,让自己变得更有效率。不用担心。如果说只有管理电子邮件的系统对提高效率起不了多大作用。同样,只懂预算的技巧也是没用的。那些做事没有成效的人的主要的问题不仅是不能够理解和学习系统,而且还缺乏自律。什么是自律?人们常将它比作肌肉---你越使用它,它就会变得更强。实际上,从效率这个角度来看,自律就是指有能力和动机去付诸行动。 翻译by sugarle