
N: You know I didn't steal it. You checked my anklet?
P:     1      I pull a map up on you every day so I can see exactly where you've been. What was so interesting about Grand Central Station?
N: Oyster bar, it's the best in town.     2     
P:     3     
N: Oh, yeah.
P: What, are you gonna sulk now?
N:     4     
P: What did Reagan say? "Trust, but verify."
N: That was also the motto of the Soviet secret police.
P: Get used to it, comrade.
N: Eyes! road!
P:     5     
N: Yeah, and drive.
I always check your anklet. I stayed within my two-mile radius. I wonder if we've been a little too generous on that. You don't trust me. Let's just recover the painting.