
Hints: Manhattan

Winter in Manhattan can be tough. The last thing you want is to get caught in the cold. Carrie! That's why it's nice to have a hot boyfriend to keep things warm. Got you a hot chocolate while I waited, extra whipped cream. Seriously, you're spoiling me. I could've taken the subway. But this way, I get to spend more time with you. After you.
曼哈顿的冬天是非常难捱的 你最最不想做的事便是一人矗立风中 Carrie 所以最贴心的便是有个贴心的男朋友 我给你买了杯热巧克力 双倍奶油哦 说真的 你要宠坏我了 我坐地铁就好了 嗯哼 但是如果这样的话 我就能跟你多呆在一起 女士优先哟~ By: 灌心饼干