
United States




Most often this advice includes suggestions that we should eat right, exercise, take vitamins and get a pet. Why get a pet? Because more and more studies are showing that people who have pets are healthier, both physically and mentally, than those who don't. Right now more than half of the households in the United Stated have a companion animal. That includes 51 million dogs, 56 million cats, 45 million birds, and other small animals. Besides the obvious things, like being cute, interesting to watch, and a lot of fun, pets do more for us than we often realize. If you now have or ever had a pet, you know how wonderful it is to have someone there for you, no matter how you look, how you are dressed, or what you are doing. Pets love you unconditionally and don't require brilliant conversation. A simple "good boy" and a pat on the head or scratch under the chin is enough for them. They will find ways to let you know their appreciation of your praise, whether it is by wagging their tails, rubbing against you, purring, or simply looking at you with adoring eyes.
这种建议经常包括这样的内容:饮食得当,锻炼身体,服用维他命以及养宠物。为什么要养宠物?因为越来越多的研究表明拥有宠物的人比没有宠物的人身体上和精神上都更健康。目前美国有一半以上的家庭养动物做伴,其中有51,000,000只狗,56,000,000只猫,45,000,000只鸟以及其他的小动物。除了这些显而易见的事情,如聪明可爱,看起来有趣,逗乐外,宠物为我们做的事情是我们常常意识不到的。如果你正养着一只宠物或者曾经养过宠物,你就知道家里有个宠物在等着你是多么美妙的感觉,不管你长得怎样,穿着如何,或者在干着什么行当。宠物爱你是无条件的,而且不要求你谈吐不凡。只要简单地说一声“好孩子”,拍拍头,挠挠下巴后面,对宠物们来说就足够了。它们会想一些办法让你知道,它们对你的赞美非常感激,或许是摇摇尾巴,或许是蹭蹭你的身子,低声呜叫,或许只是用充满爱意的眼睛看看你。 ——译文来自: bx3214740