Frank终于还是找到了真正的Emily Thorne, 现在名义上的Amanda Clarke.


Daniel Grayson

Amanda Clarke

Emily Thorne



So here is the way that I see it. The girl passing herself off as Emily Thorne, needed a new identity. And who better than her orphan cell mate, straight outta juvie? I'm sure she gave you what seemed like a lot of money at the time, but money runs out, and then you end up in a place like this. Am I close? Something like that. So here's what I don't understand. Why keep the name? Why prolong the charade? When I became Amanda, I became somebody. You're not the first one to come in looking for Amanda Clarke. Though most of them were perverts. When was the last time you had contact with her? Years. I've tried to find her at least a dozen times. Where is she? Who is Daniel Grayson? Heir to multibillion-dollar fortune and my employer's son. Does anyone else know you found me? Not yet. My shift's over in an hour. Meet me in the parking lot?
我猜是这样。那个自称是艾米莉索恩的姑娘需要一个新身份,没有谁比先出狱的少管所舍友更好的了。她肯定给了你一笔钱,现在用光了,你就沦落到这儿来了。我猜中几分? 差不多吧。 我不明白的是,为什么还要假装那个名字?为什么不换回来? 当我是阿曼达的时候,我就不是我了。你不是第一个来这儿找阿曼达克拉克的人,虽然大多数都是来消遣的。 你上次联系她是什么时候? 好几年前了。我试着找过她好多次,她在哪儿? 丹尼尔格雷森是谁? 亿万财产继承人,我老板的儿子。 有别人知道你找到我么? 还没。 我这一轮一小时后结束。到时候停车场见?