


Recently, a number of U.S. newspapers carried a very small article entitled "Things You Can Lean from Your Dog". The article listed seven things done regularly by pet dogs which could be helpful to pet owners if they themselves did them. These things are: one) When your loved one comes home, run to greet him. two) Eat with pleasure. three) When it's hot, drink lots of water. four) Take naps. five) Don't bite, just growl. six) When you want something badly, did for it. seven) Give unconditional love. There are many people who would like to insist that only human beings are capable of feeling the emotion of love. However, there are many people, usually pet owners, who feel that they not only love their pets, but that their pets love them return. This is only one, but a very important, benefit of owning a pet. All of us want to enjoy good health. Thousands of articles are written in newspapers and magazines giving advice of all types as to what people should be doing if they wish to improve their chances of having good health.
最近,许多美国报纸都刊登了一篇小短文,题目叫“你能从自己的狗身上学到什么”。这篇文章列举了宠物狗常常做的七件事情,并说如果主人也这样做,对他们也会有益的。这些事情是:l)当你心爱的人回家,跑上去迎接他。2)愉快地吃东西。3)天热时,大量地喝水。4)打盹。5)不咬人,只咆哮。6)当非常想要一件东西的时候,去努力寻找。7)给予无条件的爱。 有许多人仍然坚持说只有人类才能感受到爱这种情感。然而,有更多的人,通常是宠物拥有者,觉得不仅仅他们爱宠物,宠物也回报给他们爱。这只是拥有宠物的一项好处,但却是很重要的一项好处。我们每个人都想身体健康。报纸上和杂志上写了成千上万篇文章,给予种种建议,告诉我们如果想改善健康应该怎样做。 ——译文来自: bx3214740