




Yeah, I think some of my friends are having a thing later, so... But you guys are having fun, right? Yes, we're having a wonderful fime. It sure is. Asian markets are in a tailspin, and I can't get my broker on the phone. Any advice before I drown myself in the ocean? Too late. The only thing that can save me now is a pretty girl. You'll do. Asian market? Well, you know. I read the "Journal" on the way over. I'm glad you decided to come. You want to hit the bar? I gotta tell you something first. You know I can't compete with all this, right? All what? This. Your life. I have no money. I mean, at one point, Jack was gonna sell the bar, and then I would've gotten a piece, but this didn't happen. And I was glad at the time, you know, because the bar's an excuse to stay around here, and that means I'll be close to you. But it's also not, 'cause like I said before, I can't compete. You know what I'm saying? I'm rich. You're not. Who cares? Your brother moves quick. You? Not so much.
恩,过会儿我的朋友可能会过来,所以。。 你们玩得还愉快吧? 是的,我们很尽兴。 恩,当然。 亚洲市场陷入混乱,我还找不到我的股票经纪人了。在我跳海之前有什么好建议吗?算了,太迟了,现在只有美女能拯救我了。你就不错。 亚洲市场? 我来之前看了新闻报。 你能来我真高兴,去吧台哪儿么? 我想先和你说件事。你知道我配不上这些,对吧? 哪些? 这些,你的生活。我没钱。我的意思是,杰克本打算把酒吧卖掉,那样我还能分到些钱,但那没发生。当时我还挺高兴的,你知道,这意味着我还可以留在这儿,在你身边。但这也没用,就像我之前说的,我配不上。你懂我意思吧? 我有钱,你没有,那又怎么样? 看起来你兄弟动作比较快啊,你就差远了。 (原创翻译 melare)