
"the Bund" 

The very name "the Bund" conjures up an image of an extraordinary skyline of historic buildings and bustling crowds of travelers both from home and abroad. The tourist attraction on the Bund lies in its blocks of antique and graceful buildings. They were not designed by the same architect nor built at the same time, yet they harmonize in architectural tone, and the outlines were treated so well that no matter you walk in front of them or look at them from a distance, they all present visitors an air of dignity, elegance and magnificence.
翻译: "外滩"这一名字会使人联想起历史建筑群所形成的特殊的天际线,以及来自国内外熙熙攘攘的成群旅客。外滩景色就在于其古典优雅的建筑群,他们并不是由统一设计师设计完成,也不是在同一时期修建,但是他们的建筑格调和睦融洽,外观结构也精美无比,无论近观远望,它们都是呈现给游客一种庄严、典雅和宏伟的风貌。