

the Bund
the Huangpu River
the Waibaidu Bridge 
the Shiliupu Passenger Dock
the Wall Street 

A Shanghai icon. The epitome of modern Chinese history. A panorama of various architecture styles. That's what usually comes to mind when talking about the Bund. Located on the west bank of the Huangpu River, the Bund is the most recognizable architectural symbol of Shanghai. It covers a 1500-meter stretch along the Huangpu River, running from the Waibaidu Bridge to the Shiliupu Passenger Dock, and is described as the Wall Street of China due to its rows of banks and financial institutions.
翻译: 上海的标志,现代中国历史的缩影,汇集了世界不同风格的建筑。每当谈起外滩,这类话语通常会浮现在脑海。 坐落于黄浦江西岸的外滩是上海最具特色的建筑标志,从外白渡桥至十六铺客运码头铺沿黄浦江延伸,长达1500。因银行和金融机构林立,此处被称为中国的华尔街。