剧情:这时候caroline的男盆友来到了餐厅 她迅速躲了起来 ~



Why is William inBrooklyn?

Why is William in this diner?

Why is every inbred rich guy named William?

I don't want to see him.

Max, close the door.

I don't want him to come in here.

Yeah, 'cause that happens all the time.

Customers come in the front door and make a beeline through the kitchen

to see 1_______________________________________.

Okay, what is the deal?

Tell me fast.

I'm nipping like crazy in here.

Ooh, you're smuggling some gumdrops there, too, ice queen.

His name is William Van Horn, and he's...

I am leaving for sex.

Last chance for threesome, foursome, possibly fivesome,

if her sister's train gets in on time.

Oleg, please.


Oh, okay.

I'll see you and the gumdrops tomorrow.


if there's a waitress hiding in the walk-in freezer I don't have time to be harassed right now
为什么威廉会来布鲁克林 为什么威廉会来这家餐厅 为什么含着金汤匙出生的有钱人都叫威廉 我不想看见他 麦克斯 把门关上 我不想他进来 他们喜欢一进店门 立马径直穿过厨房 去看冷藏室里是否有女服务员躲在里面 够了 到底怎么回事 速度招来 里面冷得我都激凸了 哇 你也不声不响玩激凸 冷淡女 他叫威廉·范·洪恩 他是... 我要出发去做爱了 这是你们参加今晚3P 4P的最后机会 她姐姐火车准时到还能5P哦 奥列格 拜托 我现在没时间被你骚扰 那好吧 明天"凸"点见啦