剧情:caroline和max在从家里顺出来的衣服里发现200块钱 于是决定去富人餐厅消费~



I think you got more stuff than me.

Well,1 ___________________.

This was my fave purse to take dancing.

How'd you keep it on your shoulder when you went all mad krump?

Look. $200!

It's not enough we're sitting on the subway in furs...

You gotta make it rain?

This is so exciting.

It's going right into our cupcake fund.

-  Or... - Or what?

Where was that place you always went with your dad?

Toro with black truffle.

You are about to have a sushi toro-gasm.

2________________? It's just--

Oh, sweet bejesus, that's delicious!

If this is sushi,

what was that other stuff we ate?

We need more of this.

Like, all of it.

Can we have some more toro?

Thank you so much.

And, uh...

すみません  もう少し大トロお願いします


3_________ 'cause I'm rich.




you spent five minutes saying good-bye to the tub Will you calm down I get it now
你好像比我拿了更多东西啊 谁让你花五分钟跟浴缸道别呢 以前去舞会最喜欢带这个包了 你瞎跳抽筋舞的时候 它不会滑掉吗 你看 有两百块 我们穿皮草坐地铁还不够惹眼啊 往空中撒来引人抢吧 真是太爽了 这笔钱将直接进入我们的开店基金 -或者... -或者什么 你每次都跟你老爸去吃的地方叫啥来着 你将会体验到"鲔"高潮的快感 别这么夸张好吗 不过就... 我的老天啊 这也太好吃了 如果这是寿司 那我们之前吃的是什么 寿"屎" 完全就是屎 这个再多来一点 全都多来点 请再上一盘Toro 谢谢 另外 すみません もう少し大トロお願いします 不好意思 再来一份上等Toro 大トロ一丁お願いします 再一份上等Toro 原来只要有钱 听啥都好笑