





B: What's going on? Did you have something to do with us?

C: No, Dan arranged it for us.

B: What us?

C: ________________1_______________

B: Then, why did you tell me to choose Louis?


B: That was the moment you chose not to be selfish?

C: Well, timing has never been our strong suit. _____________3_______________

B: Why?

C: _____________4__________________What is it?

B: Gossip Girl. ____________5_________I don't want any photos of us to get back to Louis before I can talk to him. I gotta get out of here.

C: Wait.________6______

The us, I should have fought for when you called. The us, that is not just you and me. But you, me, and your baby. I thought it was selfish if I was the one to tell you to break up your family. I had it all wrong. Just because Louis is the father of your baby does not mean you should be with him. You should be with me. Because I'm going to love your baby as much as I love you . Someone sent out a blast that I'm here with you. I wanna come with you.
怎么回事。这是你为我们安排的吗? 不,丹为我们安排的。 我们? 我们,是在你打电话的时候我就应该争取的。我们不是我和你,是我,你,还有你的孩子。 那么,你为什么告诉我要选择路易? 因为我觉得让你放弃自己的家庭是很自私的行为。 你那一刻的选择难道就不自私吗? 我们都不会选择时机。我错了。路易虽然是你孩子的父亲但并不意味着你们应该在一起。你应该和我在一起。 为什么? 因为我像爱你一样爱你的孩子。怎么了? 八卦天后。有人散布出消息说我和你在一起。我不想在我告诉路易之前让他看到我们在一起的照片。我先走了。 等等。我跟你一起