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前灵媒Jane为找到杀害自己妻女的血腥约翰(Red John), 成为了Lisbon调查小组的一名独立顾问。







set 'em
Harvey Dublin
Big-time statehouse lobbyist, lawyer, kingmaker. Famous and well-connected. Ah, the evil twins. Brass and media are gonna be all over us like suckerfish. Oh, why don't we just give it to the FBI? They love that stuff. Oh, I wish. Too late. The new boss is here doing on-cameras. It's our baby. New boss? I thought Hightower was boss. The boss of Hightower. The director of the entire division. I told you about him last week. Your memory's going. My memory is a mighty fortress, Lisbon, from which no fact ever escapes once committed. Now when you tell me boring things, I set 'em free immediately. Saves overcrowding. Harvey Dublin is missing. It looks like a kidnapping, presumably for ransom, but we can't be sure at present. We shall have to await further developments. Harvey is a pillar of this city, one of the good guys. We are all praying for his safety.
名噪一时的州议会说客,金牌律师,声名显赫,人脉广博。 原来是撒旦的邻居。 我预见媒体马上就要蜂拥而至了。 干脆让给联调局嘛,他们喜欢大案子。 我也想。晚了。 新头儿在那边接受采访,这案子归咱了。 新头?头儿不是海托华吗? 他是头儿的头儿。整个部门的一把手 上周就告诉过你,脑子不好使了? Lisbon,我的大脑是坚不可摧的堡垒。记忆一旦形成,就永不丢失。你说的那些无趣之事。自然是左耳进,右耳出。省些空间。 哈维·多布林目前失踪,初步判断为绑架。绑匪想必意在赎金,但现在还不能完全肯定。案件还需要进一步调查。 哈维是萨克拉门托的中流砥柱,是大好人。我们都祈祷他平安无事。