

      the Master's

      the Doctoral level


      Arts and Sciences of University of Boston

      the Department of Linguistics

      M.A. (T.E.S.L.)

      the English Second Language Department



"A college may also be part of a university. Each college has its own courses and degrees at the Bachelor's, the Master's and sometimes at the Doctoral level. " "I have two M.A.'s from the college of Arts and Sciences of the University of Boston, but from two different departments. One is an M.A. from the Department of Linguistics, and the other is an M.A. (T.E.S.L.).This came from the English Second Language Department. That is why I am here."
学院有可能是综合性的大学的组成部分。每所学院都有自己独立的课程和与之相对应的学士、硕士学位,有时也能授予博士学位。 我拥有波士顿大学艺术和科学学院的两个硕士学位。它们是由两个院系颁发的,一个来自语言系,另一个来自T.E.S.L.,即英语第二语言教学系。所以,我就来到了这里。 ——译文来自: carol12590