
不知道大家蛇年春节过的肿么样啊?!~ 新年新气象,同学们也不要忘了听写练习呦~^^~


Castle: You've come to Nottingham once too often.

Alexis: After today, _____(1)_____ .

Castle: You've been holding out on me, Sir Robin. _____(2)_____ .

Alexis: I knew she’d tell.


Castle: _____(3)_____ ?

Alexis: His name is Owen. He's in my poetry class, very shy and very sweet. Hey!


Castle: Keep your guard up.

Alexis: _____(4)_____ .


Castle: Does he know how you feel about him?

Alexis: No!


Castle: Why not?

Alexis: Hey! _____(5)_____ .

Castle: Yes! Very nice!
there'll be no need for me to come again I hear you like a boy So who is he Then don't distract me Because I don't even know how I feel about him
Castle: 你去诺丁汉去的太频繁了。 Alexis: 今天之后就用不着再去了。 Castle: 你在拖延时间,罗宾先生,我听说你喜欢上了一个男孩子。 Alexis: 我就知道她会说的。 Castle: 那个男孩是谁? Alexis: 他叫欧文。诗歌课上认识的。很害羞人很好。嗨! Castle: 保持警惕。 Alexis: 那就别分我的心。 Castle: 他知道你对他的感觉吗? Alexis: 不! Castle: 为什么? Alexis: 嗨!因为我自己还拿不准我对他是什么感觉! Castle: 好!太好了! ——译文来自: mintdust