


Danny: You guys seem pretty tight.

Mickey: Yeah. After a while, you get to be family. _____1_____?

Danny: Not the whole family thing works for me.

Mickey: You play short cons, Danny, ______2______. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

Danny: ____3____?

Mickey: Okay.

Danny: 100,000? We can take this guy for a lot more than that.

Mickey: That's the bit you don't get. _____4______.

Danny: Well, since when?

Mickey: Since always. You don't get that, you don't get anything. ______5______, never wanted much and life didn't disappoint him. He worked, ate and slept, paid his taxes on time, toed the line. The only dream he had was retiring at 60. 

I say something funny emptying people's wage packets on a Friday night Can I make a criticism It's not just about the money My old man was as straight as they come