Hints:Mr. Wang



At this, Mr. Wang hastily took John's elbow and seated him at the dinner table. The table was loaded with food and there was much toasting and drinking. The guests also smoked and drank tea while eating and drinking. John ate and drank as everybody else did. In fact, he enjoyed himself very much, but there were many things which seemed strange to him.
此时,王先生推了推约翰的手肘,示意他要入座了。 酒席非常丰盛,客人们经常相互举杯、开怀畅饮。酒足饭饱之余,有人抽起了烟,还有人喝起了茶。约翰也跟其他人一样大口大口地吃啊、喝啊!事实上,他过得相当开心,但是仍然有许多东西让他感觉怪怪的。 ——译文来自: carol12590