









French Sailor




Michelle. Oh. Everything is exquisite. But I've come to expect nothing less from you. Oh, thank you. Well, it takes a village, right? The narration you did for the video presentation is perfect. I'm happy to do my part for the cause. Oh, Michelle, you know Miriam and Everly. Oh, she ought to. I'm in her office once a week. Excuse me. Charlotte, the presentation is about to begin, and I need you here by my side right now. Please do not disappoint me today, I beg of you. Do you understand? Wouldn't dream of it. Thank you. Hey. Ash. Is everything ok? No, everything is definitely not ok. I'm as hungover as a French Sailor, and now I've lost the bloody DVD. Ok. Well, don't worry. I'll help you. It was right here. Did you check the DVD player? No. Found it. Thank you. I am never drinking again. I take it that you and Tyler had a good time? Too much. He is a madman. How was dinner with Daniel. It wasn't. I got stood up and now he's not answering his phone. You're kidding. Prince charming? Something must have happened. I'm sure, but we can talk about that later because you have some dazzling to do.
米歇尔。 哦,一切都如此精致。我就知道你会安排得很好。 哦,谢谢。这是大家的功劳。你在视频演讲中的旁白说得太好了。 很高兴我能尽份力。 哦,米歇尔,你认识米瑞姆和艾瑞丽。 当然,我每周都去她那里。 失陪了。夏洛特,演讲就要开始了,我需要你现在就站在我身边。别让我失望,算我求你了。明白么? 从不奢望。 谢谢你。 艾什,一切可好? 都乱七八糟的,我就像宿醉的法国水手,现在那该死的DVD找不到了。 别担心,我帮你找。检查过DVD机了吗? 没有。 找到了。 谢谢,我再也不喝酒了。 看起来你和泰勒玩得很尽兴。 过分尽兴了,他就是个疯子。你和丹尼尔的晚餐如何? 没吃成,我被放鸽子了,而且他还不接我电话。 开玩笑吧?白马王子能这样?肯定可以解释的。 恩,我们可以晚点聊,我看你还有一堆事情要搞定。