







Hi, handsome. Oops. Thought you were Daniel. I'm sorry to disappoint. I was just on my way to the fish market. Thought I'd see how Daniel felt about rock shrimp. Oh. Danny's allergic to shellfish. Good thing I was here. You coulda killed the guy. You sure know a lot about him. Yeah, well, best friends are like that. Right. Harvard boys. So where are you from exactly? Exactly? Nowhere anymore. My family has estates all over the map. Oh, Danny tells me you're an orphan. That sucks. Money can buy a lot of things, but family isn't one of them. Well, family can be overrated. So,uh, what time do you want him? Seven? Eight? You know what? I'll just give him a call. See ya. Did I just hear Emily? Yeah, she just took off. She said that something's come up and she had to cancel dinner. Seriously? Did she say why? Nope. Sorry.
你好啊,帅哥。哦,我还以为是丹尼尔。 抱歉让你失望了。 我正要去海鲜市场,本想顺便问问丹尼尔是否想吃硬壳海鲜。 哦,丹尼对贝壳类过敏。幸好我在这儿,否则你要谋杀亲夫了。 你肯定很了解他。 是的,我们是最好的朋友。 恩,哈佛高材生。那么确切的说,你家在哪儿呢? 确切的说?哪儿也不算。我家在全世界都有房产。丹尼说你是个孤儿,这太糟糕了。金钱可以买到很多,但买不到家庭。 有时候家庭也会让你失望。 恩,你想让他几点去?七点钟?八点? 我还是自己给他电话吧。 回见。 我好像听到艾米莉的声音了? 是的,她刚离开。她说有点急事要处理,晚餐不得不取消了。 真的?她有说原因吗? 没有。抱歉。