剧情:han要给餐厅装上KTV max抓狂了~



Evening, hot chocolate.

Max, we got big trouble from littleChina.

Hi, Max.

Big trouble?

There's nothing big about him.

He looks like I won him in a bear claw machine.

Max, what is the worst sentence you ever want to hear

come out of Han's mouth?


Come on, bad, bad.

I got you pregnant again?

I'm putting in karaoke.

No! No!


Those guys better be up there because we're officially putting ass crack on the menu.


We can have theme nights, Ultimate Fighting nights,

Real Desperate Housewives of Bravo City nights,

and best of all,

karaoke night.


That's like throwing gasoline on a pretentious fire.


I got you pregnant I am adding a TV to bring in more customers You can't get hipsters on microphone
晚上好 巧克力帅哥 麦克斯 小中国惹大麻烦了 你好 麦克斯 "大"麻烦吗 瞧他那"小"样 就跟夹娃娃机的娃娃差不多大 麦克斯 你最不想从阿憨的嘴里 听到哪句话 我把你肚子搞大了 拜托 更惨绝人寰一点 我把你的肚子又搞大了一次 是"我要装卡拉0K" 不 不行 憨 那些家伙之所以在上面 最好是因为我们要把"股沟"加进餐单 我装电视是为了要吸引顾客 我们可以举办主题之夜 如终极格斗之夜 正宗绝望主妇之夜 最棒的是 卡拉OK之夜 给嬉皮士麦克风可是大忌 那是在火上浇油 助纣为虐