


$5, $5, $5, $5...

Hi, Maria.

How are you, Max?

I'm good, how's your mom doin'?

Good. She really appreciated the cupcakes you made her.

Hi, Maria, I'm Caroline, Max's friend.

1_________________________? I think $8 is steep, considering their condition.

I happen to know the heel has been replaced.

I cannot believe 2__________________.

I can do $6. - Deal. Oh, you happy? 3________________.

You're turning Goodwill into bad will.

My T-shirt's gone. It's not here.

I bet it was that Puerto Rican girl, who was-- who was eyeing it. Maria, can we call security?

I'm sure one of the cameras must have captured the theft. Cameras? What do you think this is,

Target? It's gone, Caroline.

She must have stolen it while I was watching you do your stupid $5 dance.

Any way we can get the price down a bit for these you're trying to shoe her down You haggled a charity
五块钱 五块钱 五块钱 你好啊 玛丽亚 最近好吗 麦克斯 还行 你妈妈好吗 挺好 她很谢谢你做的小蛋糕 你好 玛丽亚 我是麦克斯的朋友卡洛琳 这双鞋能不能算便宜点 鉴於这鞋况 要价八美元有点太贵了 我碰巧得知 这只鞋跟换过了 我真不敢相信你居然开口还价 -六块钱卖给你吧 -成交 把人家善心二手店弄成死心二手店 我的T恤不见了 不在篮子里 我猜肯定是那个波多黎各女 她一直猛盯着那衣服 玛丽亚 麻烦叫下保安 肯定有摄像头拍到那个贼 摄像头 你以为这是哪里 塔吉特百货吗 没了就没了 卡洛琳 她肯定是趁我欣赏 你的五块钱傻乐舞时偷走的