




W: Thought I'd find you here.
G: It's why I live.
W: Evidence ... __①__
G: Yeah. __②__. Evidence sets him free.
W: How do you feel about this?
G: It doesn't matter how I feel. The evidence only knows one thing: The truth. It is what it is.
W: You don't really believe that, do you?
G: I was flying to a seminar in New Hampshire a couple summers ago. __③__. He told me this story about how, every morning he takes a leak right after his three-hour philosophy class. He'd __④__ there'd be this tiny, brown spider fighting for its life against the swirling water. Come back the next day, flush same spider clawing its way back from oblivion. A week goes by, he decides to liberate the spider. Grabs a paper towel, scoops him up sets him on the floor in the corner of the stall. Comes back the next day ... what do you think happened to the spider?
W: Dead.
G: On his back, eight legs in the air. Why? Because one life imposed itself on another. Right then, I realized where we stand. I understood our role. __⑤__.  We don't impose our hopes on the evidence.
E: Twenty, ten, five, boom!  Touchdown, baby.  What's my name?
G: You'll be back.
E: Oh, really? What, have you got a crystal ball in your pocket or something?
G: You're a creature of habit.
W: I'll catch you later.

a double-edged sword Nobody wanted to put that pusher in jail more than I did I was sitting on the plane next to this philosophy professor from Harvard flush the toilet We don't impose our will on a spider
WARRICK: 我就想可以在这里,找到你。 GRISSOM: 所以我还活着。 WARRICK: 证据……真是一把双刃剑。 GRISSOM: 没错,没人比我更想把那毒贩送进监狱,但证据却恰恰释放了他。 WARRICK: 你有什么感觉? GRISSOM: 我怎么感觉不重要。证据只知道一件事:真相。这才成其为证据。 WARRICK: 你不是很相信,是不? GRISSOM: 有一次,好多年前的一个夏天了。我坐飞机到新汉普郡去参加一个座谈会。在飞机上,坐在我旁边的是一名哈佛大学的哲学教授他跟我说了一个故事。每天上午,上完3小时的哲学课之后他都会上厕所。每次他冲水的时候都会有一只褐色的小蜘蛛……在冲水的旋涡中挣扎求存。第二天回来同样的冲水同样的一只蜘蛛在挣扎。一个星期之后,他决定把这只蜘蛛救出来。他拿了一张卫生纸把蜘蛛抓了出来,然后把它放在地板的一角。第二天他回来,你猜蜘蛛怎么了? WARRICK: 死了。 GRISSOM: 八脚朝天背朝地,知道为什么吗?因为生命对生命有影响。那时我就突然明白我们的位置,我们的角色了。我们不应该让自己的意愿影响蜘蛛。我么也不能让自己的想法影响到证据。 ETHAN: 20,10,5,砰﹗触地得分。我叫什么? GRISSOM: 你会回来的。 ETHAN: 噢,是吗?你口袋里有水晶球……可以作出预测吗? GRISSOM: 你死性难改。 WARRICK: 我迟点会抓住你的。